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BAN [Body Area Network]

IEEE е формирал работна група IEEE 802.15.6 за работа над BAN (Body Area Network). За разлика от Bluetooth например ще се работи на много малка мощност (и съответно по-малко вредно облъчване). Ако още не сте схванали, аналогията е с LAN (Local...), MAN (Metropolitan...) и WAN (Wide...). Ето няколко примерни места за устройства, които биха използвали протокола за комуникация:

Картинката е взета от "статия в IBM Journal по темата": (и има "авторски права":

(през "ars technica":


To whom it may concern,

BodyNets 2008 is the third in the series of international conferences on body area sensor networks. BodyNets is a forum for engineers, scientists and medical professionals to exchange ideas on using sensor networks in and around the human body for clinical and health monitoring, study of human computer interactions, education and entertainment. BodyNets strives to encompass both theoretical and experimental aspects of body area networks that will lead to the construction of practical systems for physiological monitoring, human computer interaction and provision of entertainment. The proceedings of the conference will be listed in the ACM Digital Library.

You can get more information about the conference and register to it at For further information please contact Gabor Rona at

Thanks and Regards

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