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Сигурно повечето от читателите са чули, че Mozilla Foundation изоставя Mozilla Suite (с кодово име Seamonkey) и ще развива Mozilla Firefox и Mozilla Thunderbird. Това вдигна и продължава да вдига доста шум във форумите на Mozilla, понеже било обещано, че Mozilla Suite е дългосрочен проект и всички могат да разчитат, че дълго време ще се развива, но били излъгани, защото Mozilla Suite се изоставя.

Това беше предистория. Просто исках без допълнителен коментар да представя част от писмо с коментар по темата.

"Mozilla is for developers". Remember that? Despite the intention that the Seamonkey project produce nothing more than a code base that developers could turn into a product, Mozilla 1.x became a product itself.
This was driven by users, they saw Mozilla 1.x as a product, treated it as a product, and that is what it became. The only way to avoid this would be turning out code that end users don't consider finished enough to consider it a product, and I don't think second rate code is a goal of the new project.
The Suite formally known as Mozilla is allready viewed as a product by end users, and that reality isn't going to change by saying "It's just a code name", "Seamonkey is for developers", or "It's just a project".
Mozilla Suite is a product that is being rebranded. That is how the end users will see it, and regardless of original intentions the group working on it will be pushed in the same direction of recognizing this as was with thier code "was for developers".


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